You only have one...but you know this've accepted understand it..You've let it soak into that brain of yours...
You've fully grasped it...right?
- the action of declaring something to be untrue.
There are a few of us of course that believe in reincarnation, and if that's your belief, I fully respect that. There aren't many of us that would put up a solid arguement (and win) about how after we die we are certain we'll come back and start all over again.
For those of us that fall into the category of not believing in reincarnation though, there's another definition for the word denial.
In pshycology, denial is a condition in which someone will not admit that something (be it painful,sad etc) is true or real.
This is a "condition" more people suffer from than we realize.
How does this tie into my opening statement about life you ask.
Lets use you as an example. While reading this, right now. I want you to sit and think about what your dreams are. What you always wanted to achieve before you left this Earth one day. Could be to oneday travel the world, to start up your own business, to become whatever your heart's desire was when you were a little boy/girl.
Now once you have that thought locked in. Keep it there, and ask yourself. Am I doing it? Am I doing what I always planned on doing or am I atleast on my way to achieving what it is I set out to do.
If you aren't, ask yourself why. Is it because you've "grown up", you've been introduced to the "real world" and realized that your dreams were just that...dreams...Is it because you crossed paths with someone that be it during a conversation, an interview or just in passing, took all those pictures you had pasted up on your walls as a child. All those aspirations, and crushed it.
Let me give you some insight. You want to know what this world consists of?
It consists of people who's dreams and aspirations have in some or other way been crushed and as a result, spend alot of their time spreading that disease. Never living, only just existing.
If no one's ever told you this before...let me be the first.
You only have one life....There is only this....This is your one shot...
So one day, when you're done. Do you plan on returning to your maker saying "you didnt give me enough time", or will you atleast start making an effort now, to take advantage of every day given to you and use it as a stepping stone..a stepping stone, to life.
Seguire la luce
WOW....things we do not want to think about, thanks for opening this up t me again. we become content with life as it is , and yes think our dreams are just that ....dreams! but my Maker, Jesus Christ says I was born with a purpose and vision and this is my greatest desire , to live that purpose. Aligning myself with the Word of God is the plan.